You’re here because you’re a goal seeker.

You’re a high achieving, ambitious go-getter who knows the steps to get the things you want.

But your goals haven’t come true yet. You wanted them to happen yesterday. Your anxiety is taking over, and you can’t think about anything but making your goal happen.

Before you hit burnout or your fuse explodes, I’m here to help.

I'm Melanie, and I've been there too.

I always believed my life would be better when I got the new job or the boyfriend or went on the trip.

I learned the hard way that my life wouldn’t be happier or better when I reached my goals.

I was showing up to nearly everything distracted, dismissive, and disgruntled. I didn’t want to be that person. I don’t want you to be that person either.

So what changed?

I had to learn how to make the present so good so it would be okay that my dreams hadn’t come true yet.

I figured out the formula on how to be happy now before I got the things I wanted.

Going after your goals doesn't have to be so hard

You can have fun on your way to fulfilling your dreams.

You can laugh more for the sake of laughing. You can try new things just for the heck of it.

Live the life you would live if you already had the thing you want.

Work with me, and you’ll learn how to become less stressed and less anxious.

You’ll learn how to enjoy even the littlest parts of your daily routine like brushing your teeth or hitting your head on the pillow before going to sleep.

You’ll learn how to loosen some of your control over your goals and reposition them in a new light.

Let’s make it easier for ourselves. Let’s make it more fun. Come and join me.